Is it possible to get the current root of package structure as a string in golang test?

Solution 1:

You can also use my method without C:

package mypackage

import (

var (
    _, b, _, _ = runtime.Caller(0)
    basepath   = filepath.Dir(b)

func PrintMyPath() {

Solution 2:

Building on the answer by Oleksiy you can create a sub-package in your project called ./internal/projectpath/projectpath.go and paste in the following:

package projectpath

import (

var (
    _, b, _, _ = runtime.Caller(0)

    // Root folder of this project
    Root = filepath.Join(filepath.Dir(b), "../..")

Then you can use projectpath.Root in any other package to have the root folder of your project.

Solution 3:

Returns the root of the application:

import (

func RootDir() string {
    _, b, _, _ := runtime.Caller(0)
    d := path.Join(path.Dir(b))
    return filepath.Dir(d)

Solution 4:

Go directories:

// from Executable Directory
ex, _ := os.Executable()
fmt.Println("Executable DIR:", filepath.Dir(ex))

// Current working directory
dir, _ := os.Getwd()
fmt.Println("CWD:", dir)

// Relative on runtime DIR:
_, b, _, _ := runtime.Caller(0)
d1 := path.Join(path.Dir(b))
fmt.Println("Relative", d1)