Do multiple land claim blocks still prevent zombie spawning?

Solution 1:

Research shows that LCB doesn't stop spawning. There isn't anything super conclusive, but it looks like the following stops spawning:

  • Your bedroll (41x41 area by default)
  • Player made "building blocks" (specific types of things classify)

There isn't any mention of LCB stopping spawning.

On top of that, certain types of spawning are not affected, like Sleeper in POI. If you build an existing POI into your base, some respawns may not be preventable.


March 2016 reddit post

A16 release notes

Solution 2:

No, there is no prohibition on spawning on player-placed blocks. There is a property on blocks, player-placed or not, that allows non-POI, non-screamer spawns called canMobsSpawnOn. I don't know specifically which blocks have this property set or not but you can look in the items.xml file to check (I think). Further, if you remove this property (or set it to false) for those blocks where it is true, mobs will no longer spawn on that block type. Note that, as I understand it, screamers are not bound by this rule (nor are the mobs they call), and POI sleeper spawning, as it works with a different mechanism, is also not bound by this rule.

So if you added < property name='canMobsSpawnOn' value='false' /> to the entry for flagstoneBlock, then zombies would not spawn on those blocks. I've also read that zombies only spawn on the 'highest' block for a specific coordinate (outside a POI, of course). So, placing your base underground would keep you safe from general mobs spawns. I expect that will change pretty soon.

Solution 3:

LCB does prevent zombie respawn. Multiple LCBs do not change this. It is now possible, in A18, to build a larger defensible position, including building with an existing POI because the LCB will prevent all respawns (including loot) within the boundary of that block.