What happened to my Power Armor?

Solution 1:

Power Armor is only taken by NPCs if there's a Fusion Core left inside of it with more than 0% juice. NPCs won't put Fusion Cores into unpowered Power Armor suits or frames, so if you left it somewhere without one, it will still be exactly where you left it, though if you decide to use a different Power Armor set, then the map will no longer display the old one, as only the most recently used set will be marked on the map.

That said, I noticed you said you've searched Lexington, however, the first Power Armor you find and most likely used to beat that Deathclaw, is actually in Concord. If you haven't checked that town, then that might be where it actually is.

If you are positive there was not even a 1% Fusion Core in the Power Armor you previously ditched, then it is still exactly where it was taken off, you may just need to look around, as you may have taken it off somewhere other than where you thought you did.

If you did leave a Fusion Core in there, then you might as well just move on. By now, its probably gone, and even if you manage to find the frame somewhere, it's very possible that whoever equipped it got into a fight somewhere along the way and had the armor pieces break off.

Solution 2:

One of two things could've happened here:

  • Power Armor automatically despawns if left alone for too long.
  • An NPC "stole" the Power Armor. Usually done during combat situations, so a Raider or a Minutemen could've taken them. This only happens because if left a Power Core in it tho.

To make sure this doesn't happen again, do not leave your power armor for an extended period of time. That's really the only thing you can do.