Completely uninstall/reinstall Eclipse and add support for php and jquery

I have been using Eclipse a short while and it worked perfectly until I started downloading different plugins that I didn't really need. Now I get a ton of different errors and can't even open a php file.

What I want to do is just to remove Eclipse and reinstall it, but that was much harder that I first thought. I marked every eclipse package in synaptic packaged manager and selected complete removal, I even deleted the .meta folder in my working dictionary, but when I installed eclipse again. It was as if I hadn't removed anything. Same errors from the plug-ins I had installed before.

Seems like when you install something in linux, files are stored all over the place. Makes real hard do remove anything. So how do I COMPLETELY remove Eclipse, reinstall it and add support for php and jquery.


I believe all plugins go into the .eclipse/plugins folder in your home directory. So...

sudo apt-get purge eclipse
rm -r ~/.eclipse/

should completely remove it from your system. I haven't tried it as I don't want to lose my installation :)

You should be able to get PHP and jQuery using Aptana Studio. I was able to get 1.5 to work as a repository (from Help > Install New Software) using and a Google search, but I haven't tried installing 2.0 which you can get from here: