Truststore and Keystore Definitions

What's the difference between a keystore and a truststore?

A keystore contains private keys, and the certificates with their corresponding public keys.

A truststore contains certificates from other parties that you expect to communicate with, or from Certificate Authorities that you trust to identify other parties.

  1. A keystore contains private keys. You only need this if you are a server, or if the server requires client authentication.

  2. A truststore contains CA certificates to trust. If your server’s certificate is signed by a recognized CA, the default truststore that ships with the JRE will already trust it (because it already trusts trustworthy CAs), so you don’t need to build your own, or to add anything to the one from the JRE.


In a SSL handshake the purpose of trustStore is to verify credentials and the purpose of keyStore is to provide credential.


keyStore in Java stores private key and certificates corresponding to their public keys and require if you are SSL Server or SSL requires client authentication.


TrustStore stores certificates from third party, your Java application communicate or certificates signed by CA(certificate authorities like Verisign, Thawte, Geotrust or GoDaddy) which can be used to identify third party.


TrustManager determines whether remote connection should be trusted or not i.e. whether remote party is who it claims to and KeyManager decides which authentication credentials should be sent to the remote host for authentication during SSL handshake.

If you are an SSL Server you will use private key during key exchange algorithm and send certificates corresponding to your public keys to client, this certificate is acquired from keyStore. On SSL client side, if its written in Java, it will use certificates stored in trustStore to verify identity of Server. SSL certificates are most commonly comes as .cer file which is added into keyStore or trustStore by using any key management utility e.g. keytool.


You may also be interested in the write-up from Sun, as part of the standard JSSE documentation:

Typically, the trust store is used to store only public keys, for verification purposes, such as with X.509 authentication. For manageability purposes, it's quite common for admins or developers to simply conflate the two into a single store.

In Java, what's the difference between a keystore and a truststore?

Here's the description from the Java docs at Java Secure Socket Extension (JSSE) Reference Guide. I don't think it tells you anything different from what others have said. But it does provide the official reference.


A keystore is a database of key material. Key material is used for a variety of purposes, including authentication and data integrity. Various types of keystores are available, including PKCS12 and Oracle's JKS.

Generally speaking, keystore information can be grouped into two categories: key entries and trusted certificate entries. A key entry consists of an entity's identity and its private key, and can be used for a variety of cryptographic purposes. In contrast, a trusted certificate entry contains only a public key in addition to the entity's identity. Thus, a trusted certificate entry cannot be used where a private key is required, such as in a In the JDK implementation of JKS, a keystore may contain both key entries and trusted certificate entries.

A truststore is a keystore that is used when making decisions about what to trust. If you receive data from an entity that you already trust, and if you can verify that the entity is the one that it claims to be, then you can assume that the data really came from that entity.

An entry should only be added to a truststore if the user trusts that entity. By either generating a key pair or by importing a certificate, the user gives trust to that entry. Any entry in the truststore is considered a trusted entry.

It may be useful to have two different keystore files: one containing just your key entries, and the other containing your trusted certificate entries, including CA certificates. The former contains private information, whereas the latter does not. Using two files instead of a single keystore file provides a cleaner separation of the logical distinction between your own certificates (and corresponding private keys) and others' certificates. To provide more protection for your private keys, store them in a keystore with restricted access, and provide the trusted certificates in a more publicly accessible keystore if needed.