Duplicity and Amazon S3 Script

Solution 1:

I am using a variation of that script for my backups. I recently made some changes to it, to try and save some money on my Amazon S3 bill (personal server, otherwise I wouldn't have minded so much).

The full script is here, but I'll list the changes I made below.

--full-if-older-than 1M
--volsize 250

The first option makes sure that duplicity does a full backup regardless, every month. This is useful because it means I can remove to the latest full backup if I need to remove files from S3.

The second option decreases the number of files duplicity stores on S3, which decreases the number of requests made to S3, reducing the cost.

I also added the following after the backup has run. This removes any backups older than 6 months from S3.

duplicity remove-older-than 6M --force ${DEST}