Preventing Remote Desktop from kicking current user on Windows 7

Solution 1:

I may delete this based on your answer, but if you are using the same username, it will assume you don't mind kicking yourself off, but it will ask both sides if they want to do it if they are different users.

I tested with a standard user currently logged in, and an administrator connecting to make sure it would still ask.

  1. Screenshot one: "Another user is currently logged on to this computer. If you continue, this user has to be disconnected from this computer. Do you want to continue?"
  2. Screenshot two: I clicked yes above, and it says "Please wait for KCotreau-PC\Test (the name of the standard user) to respond".
  3. Screenshot three: This is of the screen of the computer being remoted into, and it gives the user, KCotreau-PC\Test, the option to disconnect immediately, do nothing and it will happen anyway in 30 seconds, or to cancel and not allow the incoming connection.

If you are the same user logged in and RDP'ing, it just does it.

So if you are both using the same user, just set up two different ones, and it should work as you want. Otherwise, I am not sure how else to do it.

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