How to detect online/offline event cross-browser?

Currently in 2011, the various browser vendors cannot agree on how to define offline. Some browsers have a Work Offline feature, which they consider separate to a lack of network access, which again is different to internet access. The whole thing is a mess. Some browser vendors update the navigator.onLine flag when actual network access is lost, others don't.

From the spec:

Returns false if the user agent is definitely offline (disconnected from the network). Returns true if the user agent might be online.

The events online and offline are fired when the value of this attribute changes.

The navigator.onLine attribute must return false if the user agent will not contact the network when the user follows links or when a script requests a remote page (or knows that such an attempt would fail), and must return true otherwise.

Finally, the spec notes:

This attribute is inherently unreliable. A computer can be connected to a network without having Internet access.

The major browser vendors differ on what "offline" means.

Chrome, Safari, and Firefox (since version 41) will detect when you go "offline" automatically - meaning that "online" events and properties will fire automatically when you unplug your network cable.

Mozilla Firefox (before version 41), Opera, and IE take a different approach, and consider you "online" unless you explicitly pick "Offline Mode" in the browser - even if you don't have a working network connection.

There are valid arguments for the Firefox/Mozilla behavior, which are outlined in the comments of this bug report:

But, to answer the question - you can't rely on the online/offline events/property to detect if there is actually network connectivity.

Instead, you must use alternate approaches.

The "Notes" section of this Mozilla Developer article provides links to two alternate methods:

"If the API isn't implemented in the browser, you can use other signals to detect if you are offline including listening for AppCache error events and responses from XMLHttpRequest"

This links to an example of the "listening for AppCache error events" approach:

...and an example of the "listening for XMLHttpRequest failures" approach:

HTH, -- Chad