Applescript if statement : greater than and lower than
Can I run an script if a variable is between 4 and 6 characters only ?
set serialNumber to ""
set theLength to (get length of (serialNumber as text))
if theLength is equal to 1 then
set serialNumber to "No Serial"
else if theLength > 4 and < 6 then
##do this
else if theLength is greater than 6 then
## do nothing
end if
This is obviously not working : else if theLength > 4 and < 6 then
else if theLength > 4 and < 6 then
else if theLength > 4 and theLength < 6 then
Or, since you asked "Can I run a script if a variable is between 4 and 6 characters only?", which is equal to 5
, you can also use:
else if theLength = 5 then
In place of:
else if theLength > 4 and theLength < 6 then
However, if testing between two numbers that are (one or) more then one, just use the variable twice in the test as shown above.