Chrome asks for password to unlock keyring on startup

In Google Chrome, when I go to a login page, a window pops up asking to "Enter password for keyring 'default' to unlock". In most cases, whether I click Cancel or enter my password, the login form gets auto filled anyway.

How do I get rid of the popup? I want it to auto login each time, not ask for my system password. The dialog box never appears for any other apps.

Solution 1:

From the manpage:

Set the password store to use. The default is to automatically detect based on the desktop environment. basic selects the built in, unencrypted password store. gnome selects Gnome keyring. kwallet selects (KDE) KWallet. (Note that KWallet may not work reliably outside KDE.)

The easiest way to fix that in the launcher is to copy the .desktop file to your home folder and edit it (google chrome users should copy the appropriate file):

cp /usr/share/applications/chromium-browser.desktop ~/.local/share/applications

Then edit the new file such that the Exec line reads like this:

Exec=chromium-browser --password-store=basic %U

If you have any other Chromium app installed, their .desktop files should also be in ~/.local/share/applications, edit them accordingly.

Solution 2:

First make sure libpam-gnome-keyring is installed then log out and back in.

When you open Chrome again it will ask for the password for the keyring but will give you an option to unlock the keyring every time you login. Make sure this is selected and enter your password to unlock the keyring.

Solution 3:

As described here you can set the keyring password to blank.

Go to System/Preferences/Password and Encryption keys, right click the appropriate folder and click Change Password. Put in your old password and leave the new one blank.

Solution 4:

You can remove this annoying message by

  1. Go to (Unity button)/Passwords and Keys
  2. On tab Passwords choose the proper key (I'd got only one, so you may need to find proper key). Right-click on it and Delete.
  3. Restart Chromium
  4. It'll ask for password --- do not type any and continue.
  5. Choose "Use unsafe storage"

Ready for now!

As to popups Chromium asks for password to encrypt your passwords for websites. With no password (as it said) someone will have access to your passwords having read access to some files.

Solution 5:

Setting your keyring password to your login password should resolve the issue. If you completely remove the password, your keyring will be accessible without a password (i.e. by everybode who has read access).