Are the councilman's comments random?

I just made a month with 0 alien activity 4 blocks on the avatar project and like 2x contact 3x radio beacons 2 guerilla ops and 1 retaliation with only 1 civil dying and 2 flawless missions and the councilman tells me, he is sad to notify that my actions are seen as "mediocre".

So I started getting the impression he just throws in random voice lines.
Is that the case?

Solution 1:

There are three types of responses. You get the worst response when you fail two missions that month and do not reduce the timer at all. You get the mediocre response when you fail at least 1 mission or if you succeed all missions, but do not reduce the doom timer and the doom timer is 2/3rd of the way to the end. Otherwise you get the good ending.

Relevant code from the ModBuddy: XComGameState_HeadquartersResistance.uc

DoomRatio = (AlienHQ.GetCurrentDoom() * 1.0) / AlienHQ.GetMaxDoom();

if (iMissionsFailed >= 2 && iDoomReduced == 0)
    return 'MonthlyReport_Bad';
else if (iMissionsFailed >= 1 || (iDoomReduced == 0 && DoomRatio >= 0.66))
    return 'MonthlyReport_Moderate';
    return 'MonthlyReport_Good';