Two Apple Developer Accounts, One App

This question will likely only attract opinions; only Apple can answer your question with any authority. You should consider e-mailing or phoning Apple's developer team before embarking too far.

No Duplicate Apps Allowed

Note that Apple will not accept duplicate applications in the store. You may be able to delete the developer app and re-submit to the production account. I suspect a new bundle identifier would still be needed. You would also be exposed to another review.

Transfer Before Publishing

Knowing that, have you considered submitting the application to completion using the development account and then transferring the application to your distribution account?

Can I transfer my app to another account?

Yes. Use iTunes Connect to transfer qualifying apps to another account in case of an acquisition, asset purchase, or other similar situation. When you transfer an app, it will remain available on the App Store or Mac App Store, all ratings and reviews will carry over, and users will continue to have access to future updates. To learn more about transferring apps, sign in to iTunes Connect.

  • The submitted application can remain unpublished until after the transfer.
  • Using some iCloud features will prevent the application from transferring.