Name of a specific room in radiology department in hospital where doctors write images' descriptions

What is the proper name (if there is any) of the room where doctors write descriptions of various radiology images. This room typically has a bit different light, some special grey-scale-only-monitors to evaluate MRI or X-REY images. It's not a typical "doctor's office"

I have this question because in my country we have a name for it, but I tried to google English equivalent with no luck.

Solution 1:

It's called the reading room.

I couldn't find a formal definition to cite, but the following abstracts from radiology journal articles use the term in context, making the meaning clear:

  • One hundred patients ... were retrospectively read by two readers ... Reading was performed in a dedicated reading room with ambient light conditions.¹
  • In this article, we describe the variety of disruptions that arise in the reading room environment ...²
  • This article describes the creation of a virtual workstation for use by medical students and implementation of that workstation in the reading room.³
  • Activity experienced during reading room-based work and interventional work was compared by studying 4 additional radiology residents ...⁴