Regex: Repeated capturing groups

Solution 1:

In C# (modified from this example):

string input = "QSMDRYCELL   11.00   11.10   11.00   11.00    -.90      11     11000     1.212";
string pattern = @"^(\S+)\s+(\s+[\d.-]+){8}$";
Match match = Regex.Match(input, pattern, RegexOptions.MultiLine);
if (match.Success) {
   Console.WriteLine("Matched text: {0}", match.Value);
   for (int ctr = 1; ctr < match.Groups.Count; ctr++) {
      Console.WriteLine("   Group {0}:  {1}", ctr, match.Groups[ctr].Value);
      int captureCtr = 0;
      foreach (Capture capture in match.Groups[ctr].Captures) {
         Console.WriteLine("      Capture {0}: {1}", 
                           captureCtr, capture.Value);


Matched text: QSMDRYCELL   11.00   11.10   11.00   11.00    -.90      11     11000     1.212
    Group 2:      1.212
         Capture 0:  11.00
         Capture 1:    11.10
         Capture 2:    11.00

Solution 2:

Unfortunately you need to repeat the (…) 8 times to get each column separately.


If code is possible, you can first match those numeric columns as a whole

>>> rx1 = re.compile(r'^(\S+)\s+((?:[-.\d]+\s+){7}[-.\d]+)$', re.M)
>>> allres = rx1.findall(theAsciiText)

then split the columns by spaces

>>> [[p] + q.split() for p, q in allres]

Solution 3:

If you want to know what the warning is appearing for, it's because your capture group matches multiple times (8, as you specified) but the capture variable can only have one value. It is assigned the last value matched.

As described in question 1313332, retrieving these multiple matches is generally not possible with a regular expression, although .NET and Perl 6 have some support for it.

The warning suggests that you could put another group around the whole set, like this:


You would then be able to see all the columns, but of course they would not be separated. Because it's generally not possible to capture them separately, the more common intention is to capture all of it, and the warning helps remind you of this.