How to measure the network throughput/load on Ubuntu Linux as easily as meauring uptime?

I'm looking for a simple tool on Ubtunu that can report average network throughput/load. Something very simple: something like "uptime" - just to tell me number bytes/MB read in last 5mins, 10mins, and one hour.

For instant network statistics you can use ifstat. In this example I am monitoring the wlan0 interface every second. The -S flag keeps the updates on the same line:

$ ifstat -S -i wlan0 1
 KB/s in  KB/s out
   19.34      3.98

To install just type sudo apt-get install ifstat

1.) Not exactly what you're looking for, is ifconfig:

ifconfig ppp0

ppp0      Link encap:...
          RX bytes:73844122 (73.8 MB)  TX bytes:20949231 (20.9 MB)

This is what went over that connection since up.

2.:) Xubuntu has a Network-Monitor for the panel. There you can specify a time interval, but not retrospectiv - first you have to set it up, and then you can watch it live. Either it is available for Ubuntu as well, or a similar thing.

I always use NTM to monitor inbound and outbound network traffic on Ubuntu, you can find here a tutorial explaining how to install it on Ubuntu.