Intellij IDEA won't start

When I open Intellij 14 , it starts the initial loading and then following is shown in the screen.After that it is vanished and program does not start.

enter image description here

But when I open the task manager it is shown in the Processes as per the below figure.

enter image description here

Sometimes the program starts after about 10 minutes .Sometimes it won't start at all.Can someone give me a solution on how to overcome this problem ?

Solution 1:

Just like Tom, I too have increased the memory when IntelliJ asked and regretted it. This is the screen that asked for it:

enter image description here

However, in my case, instead of editing the .vmoptions files in the bin folder, IntelliJ created a new one in my home directory which I can only assume overrides the ones in the bin folder. I would assume this is typical of the new versions - I am using IntelliJ 2016.1 right now.

So, in order to fix this issue, go to C:\Users\<your_username>\.IntelliJIdea<version>\config (or your OS' equivalent) and delete the idea.exe.vmoptions and/or idea64.exe.vmoptions file from there. This should remove the override and have IntelliJ use the settings in the bin folder.

It might be worth checking the files in the bin folder as well, in case IntelliJ changes how it handles these settings.

Here are the default .vmoptions files in the installation's bin folder; you can't delete these as it will prevent IntelliJ from starting:





Solution 2:

I got an out-of-memory dialog on intellij 15 and took an option on that dialog to increase max memory. Thereafter I could not start intellij. So, I looked in the intellij /bin folder for a pid file (per another stack overflow question) to see what was happening, but I could not find one. There was however a file (idea.exe.vmoptions) that had changed (to hold my new memory setting). So I edited that file to set max memory back to what I had before, and now it works.

Solution 3:

You can try to open Intellij on CLI.

cd C:\Program Files\JetBrains\IntelliJ IDEA 2020.1\bin

later then execute this command


Probably Intellij will open. If it will not open then you can see the error message why it will not open on CLI.