Best way to document anonymous objects and functions with jsdoc

Solution 1:

You can document stuff that doesnt exist in the code by using the @name tag.

 * Description of the function
 * @name IDontReallyExist
 * @function
 * @param {String} someParameter Description

 * The CallAgain method calls the provided function twice
 * @param {IDontReallyExist} func The function to call twice
exports.CallAgain = function(func) { func(); func(); }

Here is the @name tag documentation. You might find name paths useful too.

Solution 2:

You can use @callback or @typedef.

 * @callback arrayCallback
 * @param  {object} element - Value of array element
 * @param  {number} index   - Index of array element
 * @param  {Array}  array   - Array itself

 * @param {arrayCallback} callback - function applied against elements
 * @return {Array} with elements transformed by callback
 */ = function(callback) { ... }