What is a word for "to make explicit"?
The definition of explicit that I wish to use:
stated clearly and in detail, leaving no room for confusion or doubt.
E.g. the speaker's intentions were not made explicit.
My motivation: I'm analyzing 'Follower' (by Seamus Heaney) right now and I want to comment on the word "exactly" in 'Mapping the furrow exactly'. My comment is something along the lines of
"Mapping the furrow" already attributes a high level of skill and precision to his father. The use of the word 'exactly' adds an extra layer to the phrase and makes it explicit.
I think you are looking for to specify:
- state a fact or requirement clearly and precisely: the agency failed to specify that the workers were not their employees.
I believe the word you were looking might be "clarify".
And with regard to generally removing doubt or confusion, "disambiguation" should be considered.
I'll just leave this here, maybe it's what you were looking for, maybe not.