Word opposite of risk but still entailing uncertainty

The word risk is used to describe a situation in which there are several possible outcomes each entailing a possible loss, and one is not certain as to which of the outcomes will happen. What I want is an opposite of the word risk, which still describes a situation in which there are several possible outcomes and one is uncertain as to which of the outcomes will happen, but this time, each outcomes entails a gain instead of a loss.

If you look for the antonyms of risk, you get words like security, safety, which I don't think entail the uncertainty as to the outcome.

Solution 1:

A nice word could be:


As in:

"Being a manager of this branch is prospective indeed."

Solution 2:

Opportunity is another one.

Antonymous meaning is evident in phrases like: "risks and opportunities".

Yourdictionary lists these synonyms for opportunity: chance, occasion, suitable circumstance, juncture, opening, excuse, happening, contingency, event, befalling, probability, fitness, fortuity, good fortune, luck, hap, fair go, break, even break, shot; some of these have positive connotation and might also apply.

Solution 3:

A chance is a possibility that something happens; it's not used in negative sense as risk, but still it's not a certainty.

Our football team has a chance of victory.