Sending personalized bulk email using POP3/IMAP

I have a list of email addresses and names that I'd like to send a mass email to. I would like the email to look something like:

From: [email protected]

To: [email protected]

Body: Hi [name], I'm contacting you because...

I've gotten emails like this before, but I've never known how to do it. What programs can I use to send an email like this? Preferably, I'd like to somehow use my gmail account.

Solution 1:

Gmail allows your to create 'groups' of emails. You can then send an email to people within this group. To ensure that each recipient sees only their email address in the To field, add the group only to Bcc when sending the email. Also, put your own address in the To box as if this is left blank some receiving servers (not gmail addresses) will reveal the other addresses.