Install NTFS-3G with read-write on OS X Lion using MacPorts

Solution 1:

Check this, it details how to make ntfs-3g work through through MacPorts, and also how to make it work through an older version of NTFS-3G with a patched version of MacFuse:

The reason you couldn't make ntfs-3g work through MacPorts is that ntfs-3g still depends on MacFuse by default. Uninstall the ntfs-3g and macfuse ports, then install fuse4x, and then ntfs-3g. Like this:

sudo port uninstall macfuse ntfs-3g
sudo port clean --all macfuse ntfs-3g
sudo port install fuse4x
sudo port install ntfs-3g

You'll have to use some specific options for mounting, check the post above.