Where can I find the password for the Necromancer Tower?

I finally tracked down the location of the Necromancer Tower, however when I tried to enter it, I was told I needed a password. Where can I find this password? I found one source mentioning it was in Buffalo Pile, however after searching through the entire place, I could not find it. Where is the password hidden?

Solution 1:

Came to this thread to find an answer to your question. None of the answers here are correct, but I stumbled across it about an hour later. It's in the Shroom cave, in a pile of bones right at the end.

Solution 2:

Actually, you're all correct. The password appears in different places every gameplay but these places are where it can be found.

Solution 3:

It seems as though it varies by playthrough, however 3 locations it is known to appear are,

  • in the outhouse in plot 3 of the graveyard in Reboot Hill. When searching it (requires stench resistance), I found a sticky note with the password written on it.
  • In Buffalo Pile, exact location unknown
  • Shroomcave, among the bones at the far right of the cave.