Difference between "signalize" and "signify"

Datasheets of controller chips frequently use the word "signify" to indicate the presence of something. However, I am more used to the word "signalize" and cannot tell the difference between both.

English Oxford Dictionary (EOD) definitions:


Mark or indicate (something), especially in a striking or conspicuous manner:
"people seek to change their name to signalize a change in status that has taken place"


Be an indication of:
"this decision signified a fundamental change in their priorities"

Those two definitions + examples do not help me out, though.

So what is the difference between "signalize" and "signify"?

Solution 1:

As you point out, the two words are very similar and can in some cases be used interchangeably. I can't claim this is a set-in-stone rule, but where the difference lies in my experience hearing and reading the words, is in how emphatic and definitive the symbolism is. Note these definitions from Merriam-Webster (emphasis mine):


  • to make conspicuous : (distinguish, mark)

  • to point out carefully or distinctly

  • to make signals to : signal; also

  • to place traffic signals at or on



  • to be a sign of (something) : to mean (something)

  • to show (your feelings, intentions, opinions, etc.) by doing something

  • to have importance

Likewise in your own links, the striking and conspicuous within the definition of signalize, versus indication in signify. The stronger words are used in the definitions of signalize; the weaker words for signify. Signalize refers to the more clear and obvious symbol, signify to the more implicit and indirect one.

A drop in barometric pressure signifies the approach of a storm- hearing thunder signalizes it. A scratchy throat signifies you might be getting a flu- a fever and body aches signalize it.