iPython Notebook/Jupyter autosave failed

Solution 1:

I had same problem and I found out I was logged out from Jupyter. I found that when I went to Jupyter home page and it asked me to enter password. After I entered password I could save my notebook (it was still running in other tab).

Solution 2:

The problem is that the notebook was started with with two different users. The most common scenario is the following:

  1. Starts with elevated user/root sudo ipython notebook
  2. Do some work and then start with ipython notebook

From #1 a hidden directory was created called .ipynb_checkpoints with root privileges. As a result you will not be able to save updates unless the notebook is running as root.

To fix this simply delete the .ipynb_checkpoints directory

Solution 3:

I had the same problem while running iPython3/Jupyter local with multiple notebooks open. I solved the problem by:

  1. 1 Refreshing the dashboard tab (localhost:8888/tree#).
  2. Running 'jupyter notebook list' in the terminal.
  3. Copying the token from the terminal into the password box on refreshed dashboard.