What is the proper way to throw objects at my assailants?

Sometimes, there just isn't a gun nearby that isn't in an enemy's hands and they're too far for me to steal from. It's times like these when you just have to fling whatever is nearby at the enemies.

Unfortunately, I must be doing something horribly wrong because my projectiles tend to go above, below, or around the enemies (and that's assuming I don't just drop them directly in front of me).

I've been trying to hit the Move button at different points in my throw as well as changing my throwing motion, seeing if I can find the sweet spot, but it's just not happening. Is there a proper way to throw/time to hit the button to release the object so that the pan/cup/bottle/stapler actually goes where I want it to?

Try not using a throwing motion but instead a pushing motion with the said object in the correct orientation in your hand.

I would have to say it depends which headset you're using.

I'm playing on the Vive. The throw controls are on the secondary trigger, used by your middle finger. Objects are picked up by squeezing and holding said trigger, then thrown by releasing the trigger at the end of the throw motion. This has felt pretty reasonable for me.

My buddy is using the Samsung headset, and those controllers only have one set of triggers. I'm not sure how the throwing controls are implemented there.

Edit: On re-reading your question, I don't know what you refer to as the 'move' button. Could you elaborate, and mention which headset you're using?

Edit 2: Given that you said the controls are similar, the only information I could add is to make sure you release the throw button before your arm stops moving. It hasn't been foolproof for me, but works a majority of the time.