What does muwaah mean?

I am not a native English speaker. Anyways, there's this girl in my class who quite frequently bunks and she relies on me for notes. I am basically her asset who does all her assignments and other stuffs like doing completing her algorithm and Program assignments/projects. I don't mind, but, I have noticed that she always uses the word muwaah or something like that at the end of our conversations/messages. What does that even mean? I tried asking her once but she just laughed so hard and told muwaah and went away.In my years of learning English I have never come across of this word. Sorry, my native is not English language so I don't have that great vocabulary. Also, How do you even pronounce that word !?!?

Solution 1:

It is onomatopoeia for the sound of kissing.

A sign of affection which can sometimes be considered flirting.

Oxford dictionary definition:

Used to represent the sound of a kiss, typically one given in an exaggerated or theatrical way:

'Mwah, mwah! How are you, dahling?'

As Hot Licks mentions in the comments, it is pronounced similarly to the French pronoun "moi" (i.e. "mwah").

Solution 2:

For a clear and convincing representation of how "mwah!" was pronounced by 17-year-old girls in Queens, New York, in 1964, you can't do better than to consult "Give Him a Great Big Kiss" by the Shangri-Las. The relevant lyrics leading up to the critical moment are:

Gonna walk right up to him/Give him a great big kiss—mwaah!

You can hear the "mwaah!" twice during this recording of the song—at 0:40 and again at 1:34. "Give Him a Great Big Kiss" is also a great place to hear how 17-year-old girls in Queens, New York, in 1964 pronounced the word dancer (at 1:42 and 1:45). "Whudduyuh mean, 'Is he a good dancer?'"