Finder window on top of full-screen safari?

I wish it were possible to press a keyboard shortcut while in full-screen Safari, have a finder window appear in the middle of the screen, and then drag+drop files from that finder window to safari.

How can I do this?

Solution 1:

Rather clunky, but possible...

  • Go back to Finder, select & grab your files; keep hold of them.

  • either...

    • Use your Show Dashboard key command & hover your cursor [still holding the files] over the Safari Space until it pops to the front, or
    • Use Ctrl ⌃ num to go to the last Space before your fullscreen app, then Ctrl ⌃ to get to fullscreen.
  • Drop the files.

This is always going to be hindered by fullscreen apps being to the right of any & all numbered Spaces.

You may need to enable the Ctrl/key functionality first in System Prefs/Keyboard/Shortcuts/Mission Control

enter image description here

Only alternative I can think of is use the Open dialog, or as suggested elsewhere, don't fullscreen, just maximise.