Calculate the difference between two dates and get the value in years? [duplicate]

Do you want calculate the age in years for an employee? Then you can use this snippet (from Calculate age in C#):

DateTime now = DateTime.Today;
int age = now.Year - bday.Year;
if (bday > now.AddYears(-age)) age--;

If not, then please specify. I'm having a hard time understanding what you want.

Subtracting two DateTime gives you a TimeSpan back. Unfortunately, the largest unit it gives you back is Days.

While not exact, you can estimate it, like this:

int days = (DateTime.Today - DOB).Days;

//assume 365.25 days per year
decimal years = days / 365.25m;

Edit: Whoops, TotalDays is a double, Days is an int.

On this site they have:

   public static int CalculateAge(DateTime BirthDate)
        int YearsPassed = DateTime.Now.Year - BirthDate.Year;
        // Are we before the birth date this year? If so subtract one year from the mix
        if (DateTime.Now.Month < BirthDate.Month || (DateTime.Now.Month == BirthDate.Month && DateTime.Now.Day < BirthDate.Day))
        return YearsPassed;

    private static Int32 CalculateAge(DateTime DOB)
        DateTime temp = DOB;
        Int32 age = 0;
        while ((temp = temp.AddYears(1)) < DateTime.Now)
        return age;