Sort Dictionary by Key Value
You need to sort your dictionary values, not your keys. You can create an array of tuples from your dictionary sorting it by its values as follow:
Xcode 9 • Swift 4 or Xcode 8 • Swift 3
let fruitsDict = ["apple": 5, "pear": 9, "grape": 1]
let fruitsTupleArray = fruitsDict.sorted{ $0.value > $1.value }
fruitsTupleArray // [(.0 "pear", .1 9), (.0 "apple", .1 5), (.0 "grape", .1 1)]
for (fruit,votes) in fruitsTupleArray {
fruitsTupleArray.first?.key // "pear"
fruitsTupleArray.first?.value // 9
To sort your dictionary using your keys
let fruitsTupleArray = fruitsDict.sorted{ $0.key > $1.key }
fruitsTupleArray // [(key "pear", value 9), (key "grape", value 1), (key "apple", value 5)]
To sort your dictionary using its keys and localized comparison:
let fruitsTupleArray = fruitsDict.sorted { $0.key.localizedCompare($1.key) == .orderedAscending }
We can also extend Sequence
protocol and implement a custom sort that takes a predicate and sort using a keypath property as long as it conforms to Comparable
extension Sequence {
func sorted<T: Comparable>(_ predicate: (Element) -> T, by areInIncreasingOrder: ((T,T)-> Bool) = (<)) -> [Element] {
sorted(by: { areInIncreasingOrder(predicate($0), predicate($1)) })
let sortedFruitsAscending = fruitsDict.sorted(\.value)
let sortedFruitsDescending = fruitsDict.sorted(\.value, by: >)
This will print
[(key: "grape", value: 1), (key: "apple", value: 5), (key: "pear", value: 9)]
[(key: "pear", value: 9), (key: "apple", value: 5), (key: "grape", value: 1)]
Dictionaries can't be sorted. Generally, when I need things sorted from a dictionary, I will make a separate array of my dictionary keys.
In your case, make an array of the keys, sort them by comparing their values in the dictionary.