Word for feeling for movie characters

I watch many movies these days, and I often feel happy when the main character gets what they want in the end or sad otherwise. Is there an adjective to describe this? It appears to me that vicarious is not the right word because it applies only to people watching other people in real life, but I might be wrong. For example,

I am so _____. I always feel good when the protagonist wins and bad when he loses.

Phrases and other parts of speech are also welcome.

You are "identifying" with the character and placing yourself into his or her situation in the work of fiction. Having empathy for the character is one-step removed from this since it still connotes distance, emotionally, from the actual character. I hope this helps. For more words of interest to you, check out

      Jack's Handy List of Words 

607 Words That You Can't (or Shouldn't) Live Without by Jack Forbes

It's funny and incredibly useful in expanding one's vocabulary in English beyond the usual limited vocabulary. Available on barnesandnoble.com and amazon.com in soft cover and epub.