SQL - Does the order of WHERE conditions matter?

Solution 1:

No, the order of the WHERE clauses does not matter.

The optimizer reviews the query & determines the best means of getting the data based on indexes and such. Even if there were a covering index on the category_id and author columns - either would satisfy the criteria to use it (assuming there isn't something better).

Solution 2:

SQL is declarative.

In your example, you have told the engine/optimizer what you want... it will now work out the best way to do that (within reason and "cost" which would be off topic).

Solution 3:

Whereas in general, no, that assumes you're using a modern database. Maybe ten years ago, it certainly mattered then.

Solution 4:

In short, no, they do not matter as the optimizer will determine the best means for fetching the data.

Solution 5:

Yes, SQL is a declarative language. But in SQL Server (not sure about other engines) a DBA can actually (kinda) do this, by forcing an execution plan in SQL Query Store.

enter image description here

But, yeah, you can't control it from your app, or from within the query text itself.

P.S. 2 more cents: you can control the order of JOIN's by using FORCE ORDER.