Does anything happen if you beat the high score in Rapunzel?

I'm currently finishing up all of the trophies (after finally beating all four Towers of Babel!), so I'm clearing all 128 stages of Rapunzel. I noticed that the high score for the "game" is around 218k (I think the high score increases throughout the course of the game, considering all the solution videos in this video playlist display a high score of 25500 and I recall seeing a high score around 60000 at one point, but the 218k score is displayed on the final night).

Based on how many stages I cleared in a row, it almost seems like I'd need to marathon all 64 stages of the game (there are two "versions" of the game, each with 64 stages) in order to beat it, but I don't want to do that if there's no reward for doing so. Do I get any sort of recognition or bonus content for beating the high score in Rapunzel? If there is, does it matter what high score I beat (25.5k vs 218k)?

Solution 1:

After painstakingly beating the high score (the 218k one), I can confirm that nothing special happens. The only thing that happens is that you are able to input your initials (or whatever 4 characters you want) for the machine to display on its high scores screen.

new high score

Naturally, beating the high score also changes the high score on the machine, but other than these things, you don't get anything for it.

On a side note, beating the high score of 218k did not require me to beat all 64 stages consecutively. I accidentally died on stage 33 (see high score 4) and continued from there, which got me the high score by almost 80k points.