How can we say "I see my dreams not happening"

Solution 1:

I'm sorry to hear that..
Your dreams are broken — TFD

Wishes or desires that cannot be fulfilled.
"We all have our share of broken dreams, but they were never all meant to come true anyway."

Your dreams are shattered — TFD

To cause the destruction or ruin of; destroy
"The outcome of the conflict shattered our dreams of peace and prosperity."

Your dreams are far fetched —

improbable; not naturally pertinent; being only remotely connected; forced; strained:

Your dreams have gone out the window — TFD

If a quality, principle, or idea goes out of the window, it does not exist any more.
"Then people start drinking and sense goes out of the window."

You only have pipe dreams — TFD

A fanciful or impossible plan or hope