How to stop using the camera, without having to release the Cyclops controls

I don't know which update specifically fixed this issue, but as of the 1.0 release you can right-click to switch back from camera view to normal driving view. I believe you can also press Esc for the same effect.

Update 5/28/2020: Having just completed the game again (today!) I can say that now there is a way to cancel the camera usage without exiting the piloting controls. Now you can press "E" to exit the camera control, and you need to press "E" again after that in order to step back from piloting the Cyclops. I was glad to see they finally updated this, although I'm not sure which update it was included with, and I don't care enough to search change logs, but it's definitely there as of today.

Original Post:

I've been through every command available in the game settings, and I've not found a way to stop viewing the camera without exiting pilot mode. Whether or not it's an intended feature or a bug, I submitted it as a bug to the developers, because I'd think there should definitely be a way to do so.