IE11 Frame Notification Bar Save button

If somebody is still trying to find the solution, for IE11 it's here.

On the very first line of the code of Vahagn Sargsyan above, instead of "Frame Notification Bar" get the exact title of the dialog box, which might be in English "View Downloads - Internet Explorer". This allows you to grab the right hWnd.

Because in IE11 there no more button accelerator to Save files, follow the solution posted here by pmr.

From pmr code, just get the following lines:

Set e = o.ElementFromHandle(ByVal h)
Dim iCnd As IUIAutomationCondition
Set iCnd = o.CreatePropertyCondition(UIA_NamePropertyId, "Save")

Dim Button As IUIAutomationElement
Set Button = e.FindFirst(TreeScope_Subtree, iCnd)
Dim InvokePattern As IUIAutomationInvokePattern
Set InvokePattern = Button.GetCurrentPattern(UIA_InvokePatternId)

This should solve your issue. This unlocked the situation for me with French localisation.