What is the hidden achievement in Little Alchemy?
This new web game, Little Alchemy, has a hidden achievement. Does anyone know how to get this achievement?
Is This Just Fantasy?
A hidden gem, eh?
Solution 1:
According to the wikia page, you get this achievement for crafting one of the nine hidden gems.
There are 9 hidden gems in Little Alchemy. Creating one will get you the achievement "Is This Just Fantasy?"
The gems you can craft to get this achievement are:
- Astronaut Ice Cream (astronaut + ice cream)
- The Doctor (tardis + doctor)
- Tardis (space + time)
- Doge (dog + computer)
- Keyboard Cat (cat + music)
- Ninja Turtle (ninja + turtle)
- The One Ring (ring + volcano)
- Yeti (mountain + story OR mountain range + story)
- Nessie (story + lake)
(Combinations gotten from the wikia in conjunction with this site, as the wikia did not have Nessie)