Word for "blissfully oblivious"? [closed]

Solution 1:

A Lotus Eater .

  1. Classical Mythology. a member of a people whom Odysseus found existing in a state of languorous forgetfulness induced by their eating of the fruit of the legendary lotus; one of the lotophagi.
  2. a person who leads a life of dreamy, indolent ease, indifferent to the busy world; daydreamer.

Solution 2:

An idiomatic phrase for this is blissfully unaware.

Ngram: blissfully unaware.

Solution 3:

Consider head in the clouds

guided by whim and fancy


However,this term has a connotation of flighty, which may not be considered positive.

A similar concept is on cloud nine

elated; very happy


Solution 4:

Out to lunch.

  1. Informal
    Unaware of or inattentive to present conditions.
