Declaring and initializing arrays in C

In C99 you can do it using a compound literal in combination with memcpy

memcpy(myarray, (int[]) { 1, 2, 3, 4 }, sizeof myarray);

(assuming that the size of the source and the size of the target is the same).

In C89/90 you can emulate that by declaring an additional "source" array

const int SOURCE[SIZE] = { 1, 2, 3, 4 }; /* maybe `static`? */
int myArray[SIZE];
memcpy(myarray, SOURCE, sizeof myarray);

No, you can't set them to arbitrary values in one statement (unless done as part of the declaration).

You can either do it with code, something like:

myArray[0] = 1;
myArray[1] = 2;
myArray[2] = 27;
myArray[99] = -7;

or (if there's a formula):

for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) myArray[i] = i + 1;

The other possibility is to keep around some templates that are set at declaration time and use them to initialise your array, something like:

static const int onceArr[]  = {  0,  1,  2,  3,  4,..., 99};
static const int twiceArr[] = {  0,  2,  4,  6,  8,...,198};
int myArray[7];
memcpy (myArray, twiceArr, sizeof (myArray));

This has the advantage of (most likely) being faster and allows you to create smaller arrays than the templates. I've used this method in situations where I have to re-initialise an array fast but to a specific state (if the state were all zeros, I would just use memset).

You can even localise it to an initialisation function:

void initMyArray (int *arr, size_t sz) {
    static const int template[] = {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 21, ..., 9973};
    memcpy (arr, template, sz);
int myArray[100];
initMyArray (myArray, sizeof(myArray));

The static array will (almost certainly) be created at compile time so there will be no run-time cost for that, and the memcpy should be blindingly fast, likely faster than 1,229 assignment statements but very definitely less typing on your part :-).

Is there a way to declare first and then initialize an array in C?

There is! but not using the method you described.

You can't initialize with a comma separated list, this is only allowed in the declaration. You can however initialize with...

myArray[0] = 1;
myArray[1] = 2;


for(int i = 1; i <= SIZE; i++)
  myArray[i-1] = i;

This is an addendum to the accepted answer by AndreyT, with Nyan's comment on mismatched array sizes. I disagree with their automatic setting of the fifth element to zero. It should likely be 5 --the number after 1,2,3,4. So I would suggest a wrapper to memcpy() to produce a compile-time error when we try to copy arrays of different sizes:

#define Memcpy(a,b) do {                    /* copy arrays */       \
    ASSERT(sizeof(a) == sizeof(b) &&        /* a static assert */   \
           sizeof(a) != sizeof((a) + 0));   /* no pointers */       \
    memcpy((a), (b), sizeof (b));           /* & unnecesary */      \
    } while (0)                             /* no return value */

This macro will generate a compile-time error if your array is of length 1. Which is perhaps a feature.

Because we are using a macro, the C99 compound literal seems to need an extra pair of parentheses:

Memcpy(myarray, ((int[]) { 1, 2, 3, 4 }));

Here ASSERT() is a 'static assert'. If you don't already have your own, I use the following on a number of platforms:

#define CONCAT_TOKENS(a, b) a ## b
#define ASSERT(e) enum {EXPAND_THEN_CONCAT(ASSERT_line_,__LINE__) = 1/!!(e)}
#define ASSERTM(e,m) /* version of ASSERT() with message */ \

Why can't you initialize when you declare?

Which C compiler are you using? Does it support C99?

If it does support C99, you can declare the variable where you need it and initialize it when you declare it.

The only excuse I can think of for not doing that would be because you need to declare it but do an early exit before using it, so the initializer would be wasted. However, I suspect that any such code is not as cleanly organized as it should be and could be written so it was not a problem.