Python String Formats with SQL Wildcards and LIKE
Solution 1:
Those queries all appear to be vulnerable to SQL injection attacks.
Try something like this instead:
curs.execute("""SELECT tag.userId, count( as totalRows
FROM user
INNER JOIN tag ON = tag.userId
WHERE user.username LIKE %s""", ('%' + query + '%',))
Where there are two arguments being passed to execute()
Solution 2:
It's not about string formatting but the problem is how queries should be executed according to db operations requirements in Python (PEP 249)
try something like this:
sql = "SELECT column FROM table WHERE col1=%s AND col2=%s"
params = (col1_value, col2_value)
cursor.execute(sql, params)
here are some examples for psycog2 where you have some explanations that should also be valid for mysql (mysqldb also follows PEP249 dba api guidance 2.0: here are examples for mysqldb)
Solution 3:
To escape ampersands in Python string formatting expressions, double the ampersand:
'%%%s%%' % search_string
Edit: But I definitely agree with another answer. Direct string substitution in SQL queries is almost always a bad idea.