What is the story behind Monument Valley 2?

The story was a little harder to get in this one, however, I do have a few ideas.

Ro and her daughter's interactions with the spirit oracles is obviously very different than Ida's. They treated Ida with an almost cold scorn, angry at what she had done. However, they treat Ro with an almost familial sympathy and give her advice on how to process her daughter's journey. It seems that while Ida's journey was more one of atonement, Ro and her daughter's story are more about growth and change, developing into better versions of themselves.

As far as the characters' relationship with the spirit oracle, while Ida was a crow person, it seems that Ro and her daughter are directly descended for the spirit people, and their journey is one of returning them to their rightful place.

Some people have suggested that Monument Valley 2 is a sequel to 1, but I disagree. I think it's a sequel in the proper sense, and takes place some time after 1. The Sacred geometry is returned, the crow people have atoned, and now Ro brings the spirits of her ancestors back into their rightful place. The restoration of the Monument Valley is complete.

I believe MV2 is a SEQUEL to MV2, after all it seems as though Ida was Ro’s old friend, as she says in a quote “Remember all the fun we use to have?” Ro sounds sad, and Ida is a ‘spirit’. This is why MV2 comes after MV1.