Is the Hallow & Crimson/Corruption "V" random or predetermined?

When you enter hard mode your world gets two streaks of Hallow and Crimson or Corruption, depending on what it had before. These generally stripe down at an angle and meet under center of the map but can be offset, apparently controlled a bit by where the Wall of Flesh is defeated.

All of the information I could find said that which side got which biome stripe was random. This however does not seem to be the case from my findings and I could find no information that wasn't already 2-3 years old.

So, is this still random? I am up to 37 resets and the only thing I can change seems to be where the Crimson starts but it is always to the right leaving me nearly no surface Hallow on the left of my map (which is why I am going back to try and reset it.)

To address comment conversations below. I am now up to 58 resets on the same world attempting to get the Hallow and Crimson spawns to swap places on my world. What I am looking for is someone with Terraria v1.3.5.3 to have the same world with both configurations of the hardmode V spawn, hallow on left and right. For testing my world seed is: 1486978588 and is a large world, a post about the contents of the world may be found here

Solution 1:

I was facing a similar issue. I had the "perfect" world, with corruption only on the Dungeon side, with the hope to get Hallow on the Jungle side.

But to no avail, everytime I killed the Wall of Flesh, I had always, in at least 40 tries, the corruption spawn on the Jungle side. I tried a lot:

  • Different characters
  • Different time of day
  • Different direction of the Wall

All had the same result.

What I finally did was the following:

  • I made a separate backup of the World file, in addition to what Terraria does for itself
  • I opened the World in TEdit to get the world seed. My first hope was that i could change it there, but was not able to do that.
  • I then opened the .WLD file in Notepad++ (any other Text Editor should do)
  • relative at the beginning of the file i saw the World Seed that TEdit showed
  • I changed the last digit and saved the file

I was still able to open the World in TEdit, and also in loading it in Terraria still worked with no apparent problems. I then went about to kill the WoF again, and bingo, I had Hallow on the Jungle side.

Be aware that I give no promises that this will not cause any other ill effects. I will play this world now, and when I see any issues I will edit my post.