Cannot locate Ubuntu Software Center via Firefox to open APT links

I'm trying to locate where the Ubuntu Software Center is to choose as default for handling APT links in Firefox. I can click on the links, and I get the pop-up, but Ubuntu Software Center is not there. I tried to choose an application through Firefox's settings and through the pop-up, but I don't know the path. As you can see by my screen shot for the pop-up I chose the wrong one as that doesn't work. What is the correct path I need to select the correct file?

EDIT - I added a fourth screen shot. I don't have it in that location. This is what I have. My view is in ABC order, and it's showing hidden files.





Solution 1:

TL;DR: You need to locate the /usr/share/software-center/software-center file.

I ran the which command, and it showed it was in /usr/bin/software-center but even showing hidden files it's not there. So I check the link that was there labeled "software-center", and it showed it went to /usr/share/software-center/software-center and it was a Python script. Well I tried to choose that when clicking on a link, and it opened as it should, so I guess that's it, or at least it works. It even shows in Firefox's settings under the Application tab.


Solution 2:

You're looking for "/usr/bin/software-center"