Server configuration automation for windows server on ec2, how much can be done?

I believe stackexchange runs on IIS and windows server.

I understand windows server doesn't have anything similiar to chef/puppet, but it does have powershell and probably other things I am not aware of.

How much configuration management can be done on a windows server so I could fire up a ec2 instance and run scripts to get the server configurated.

Configured in terms of:

  1. patches/updates
  2. IIS settings
  3. setup a application in IIS
  4. turn on/off services that I need/don't need

Note: this is a pure web server, so basically just need to setup a IIS website, turn of unwatned services, get the o/s up to date with patches etc.

(Other than configuring a front end web server and then creating a custom AMI)

Some options:

You can do all of the above using RightScale's free developer account and infact that's what I do for a living; focus on building Windows solutions on public clouds.

Here (revised link) is some information on running a chef client on Windows and you could probably test this using the hosted chef solution opscode provides free for under 5 nodes.

Use Cloudformation by Amazon Web Services

Kaavo also offers a service that allows configuration management of your cloud instances and works with Windows

Roll your own using Powershell remoting but probably not worth the pain.

DISCLAIMER: I work for RightScale.