What is the authoritative list of Docker Run exit codes?

Apologies if this has been asked, but nowhere in the Docker documentation can I find an authoritative list of exit codes (also called exit status). Surprising! I see suggestions about making it consistent, but no docs on docker.com.

Does anyone know where the exit codes can be found?

Solution 1:

For Docker >= 1.10 see this PR, which follows standard chroot exit codes:

  • 125: docker run itself fails
  • 126: contained command cannot be invoked
  • 127: if contained command cannot be found
  • 128 + n Fatal error signal n:
    • 130 = (128+2) Container terminated by Control-C
    • 137 = (128+9) Container received a SIGKILL
    • 143 = (128+15) Container received a SIGTERM

Check the man page of signal for the full list (on cmd type man 7 signal or check online e.g. signal).

Check Docker's exit status documentation for more information about the current version.

Solution 2:

Normally it will be the exit status of the process, so it's application dependent i.e:

$ docker run debian sh -c "exit 5;"
$ docker ps -a
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND             CREATED             STATUS                     PORTS               NAMES
7fcc37778df0        debian              "sh -c 'exit 5;'"   4 seconds ago       Exited (5) 3 seconds ago                       reverent_einstein   

But in certain cases Docker itself can return an exit code:

  • 125 if the Docker daemon has an error (e.g. a wrong flag is provided)
  • 126 if the container command can't be invoked (e.g. file isn't executable)
  • 127 if the container command can't be found (e.g. wrong path to binary)
