I realize this is two years old, but it bugs me that the accepted answer calls for using dynamic SQL and the most upvoted answer won't work:

Select P.ProductId, P.Name
    , Min( Case When PM.MetaKey = 'A' Then PM.MetaValue End ) As A
    , Min( Case When PM.MetaKey = 'B' Then PM.MetaValue End ) As B
    , Min( Case When PM.MetaKey = 'C' Then PM.MetaValue End ) As C
From Products As P
        Join ProductMeta As PM
            On PM.ProductId = P.ProductId
Group By P.ProductId, P.Name

You must use a Group By or you will get a staggered result. If you are using a Group By, you must wrap each column that is not in the Group By clause in an aggregate function (or a subquery).

We've successfully used the following approach in the past...

SELECT [p].ProductID,
       MAX(CASE [m].MetaKey
             WHEN 'A'
               THEN [m].MetaValue
           END) AS A,
       MAX(CASE [m].MetaKey
             WHEN 'B'
               THEN [m].MetaValue
           END) AS B,
       MAX(CASE [m].MetaKey
             WHEN 'C'
               THEN [m].MetaValue
           END) AS C
FROM   Products [p]
       INNER JOIN ProductMeta [m]
         ON [p].ProductId = [m].ProductId
GROUP  BY [p].ProductID,

It can also be useful transposing aggregations with the use of...



Also worth noting this is using ANSI standard SQL and so it will work across platforms :)

If your database engine is 2005 and your database is in 2000 compatibility mode, you can work around the lower compatibility mode by running your query from a 2005 database. Target the 2000 database by using 3 part naming convention for your tables in the query such as DatabaseNameHere.dbo.TableNameHere

Select a.ProductId
  ,(Select c.MetaValue
    From [Product Meta] c
    Where c.ProductId = a.ProductId
    And c.MetaKey = 'A') As 'A'
   ,(Select d.MetaValue
    From [Product Meta] d
    Where d.ProductId = a.ProductId
    And d.MetaKey = 'B') As 'B'
   ,(Select e.MetaValue
      From [Product Meta] e
      Where e.ProductId = a.ProductId
      And e.MetaKey = 'C') As 'C'
From Products a
Order By a.ProductId Asc