How to improve Power skill?

I'm finding that my Power skill is lagging behind Survivor and Agility by a few levels: 8 compared to 11 and 12. Given that the game generally doesn't want you engaging with the zombie hordes, what strategies are there for improving the Power skill tree?

And when I say that the game doesn't want you engaging with the hordes, I'm speaking from my experiences of:

  1. crappy weapons that take forever to melee kill a single zombie (yes, the weapons are finally getting a bit better, however you get my point)
  2. infected that swarm you when you DO engage the hordes and make any noise
  3. the overall design of parkour and rooftops indicates you're supposed to keep off the streets (in general)

At Power level 9, Stomp can be acquired. Personally my Power level has power levelled ever since. You can one-shot walkers without even knocking them down first. Stand on a car, wait for the walkers to come close or climb on, and channel your inner Bruce Lee. I find the front of a van works best where walkers can't really hit you nor climb on. You too may find yourself addicted to alternating between Super Hard/Head Kick™ Simulator and collecting bags of cocaine like a cartel car crash (nose) candy like you're Crane the candy man.

Until Power lv 9, you might be able to make use of Vault (Agility lv 4) + Ground Pound (Power lv 7). But it may require the Power lv 12 upgrade (Slam) to be really useful.