What is, formally, to define a function by induction?

Solution 1:

Formally speaking when we define something by induction, or recursion (in Hebrew, for example, the two terms are practically exchangeable in most contexts), is this.

Suppose that $f\colon A\to A$ then for $a\in A$ there exists a unique $F\colon\Bbb N\to A$ such that $F(0)=a$ and $F(n+1)=f(F(n))$.

When you define a sequence by a formula such as $a_{n+1}=2(a_n)^3+1$, you define the function $f$ and by setting $a_0=0$ you define $a$. From this point $F$ is uniquely defined and allows us to actually obtain the sequence that we want.

Solution 2:

The principle of mathematical induction is equivalent to the principle of recursion on $\mathbb N$, and each is equivalent to the claim that every non-empty set $S\subseteq N$ has a smallest element (i.e., that $\mathbb N$ is well-ordered). Each of these claims/principles appear to be very self-evident, which is perhaps the reason why it is unclear why these principles are named principle, instead of just "proof techniques" or "facts about $\mathbb N$".

Now, a function is a relation satisfying a certain property. However, a recursive description of a function requires a small leap of faith in order to be convinced that it actually defines a function. The reason is that for the function to be defined the relation needs to simply exist as an object. However, the recursive description of a function does not on its own produce such an object. Rather, it relies on a more dynamic process whereby one gives on extending the domain of the function, one element at a time, until finally the domain is the entire set $\mathbb N$. This is not a very precise notion, albeit very intuitive.

Recalling that any proof of definition in mathematics must be finite (at least in the classical logical system) the problem becomes clear. The recursive description of a function will require infinitely many lines to write in order to actually define the function. What is intuitively clear is that nothing is stopping us from writing any finite initial segment of such a definition, but we can never actually finish it off. That is where the principle of recursion comes in. It says that we accept it as a finite definition, replacing the infinite definition just because we are convinced that we can write any finite initial segment of it.

A similar situation holds true with the principle of induction. It accepts a prescription for obtaining any finite initial segment of infinitely many proofs for infinitely many claims, as a proof of all of the claims.

When going past countable sets things get more subtle. The extension of the principle of induction/recursion to sets of arbitrary cardinality is related to the axiom of choice.

Solution 3:

Proposition: Given a set $X$, a $f: X \rightarrow X$, and $a \in X$

$\exists ! u: \mathbb{N} \rightarrow X$ such that:

(1) $u(1)=a$

(2) $\forall n \in \mathbb{N}~~ (~~u(s(n))=f(u(n))~~)$


UNIQUENESS - Let $u, v$ be two functions that satisfy the properties. Define $X:=\{x \in \mathbb{N}: u(n)=v(n)\}$

$u(1)=a=v(1) \implies 1 \in X$

$n \in X \implies u(n)=v(n) \implies f(u(n))=f(v(n)) \implies u(s(n))=v(s(n)) \implies s(n) \in X$

$\implies X=\mathbb{N} \implies \forall n \in \mathbb{N}: (~~ u(n)=v(n)~~ ) \implies u=v$

EXISTENCE - Define $C:=\{ A \subset \mathbb{N}\times X : (~~(1,a) \in A \wedge ( \forall (n,x) \in \mathbb{N} \times X ~~ (~~(n,x) \in A \implies (~~ s(n), f(x) ~~) \in A ~~)~~)$

And let $\displaystyle u:= \bigcap _{A \in C} A: A \subset \mathbb{N} \times X$

Let $D:=\{n \in \mathbb{N}: \exists ! x \in X (~~ (n,x) \in u~~ )\}$

We shall prove by induction.

(i) $1 \in D \rightarrow$

Existence: $(1,a) \in D$

Uniqueness: Suppose that $\exists b \neq a : (~~(1,a) \in u \wedge (1,b) \in u ~~)$

Let $A_1$ be a set of $C$, and define:

$Ã:=A_1 \backslash \{(1,b)\}$

We have that: $(n,x) \in à \implies (n,x) \in A_1 \implies (~~(s(n), f(x))~~) \in A_1$

Because $s(n) \neq 1$, $(~~(s(n),f(x))~~) \neq (1,b)$. And then:

$(~~(s(n), f(x))~~) \in A_1 \implies (~~s(n), f(x)~~) \in à \implies à \in C$

$(1,b) \notin à \implies (1,b) \notin u$


Now, we shall prove that $u \in C$:

We have trivially that $(1,a) \in u$.

$(n,x) \in u \implies \forall A (~~(n,x) \in A~~) \implies \forall A (~~(s(n), f(x)) \in A ~~) \implies ((s(n), f(x)) \in u$

Therefore, $u \in C$

(ii) $n \in D \implies s(n) \in D$

Existence: $n \in D \implies \exists x \in X (~~(n, x) \in u~~) \implies (s(n),f(x)) \in u \implies \exists y \in X (s(n), y) \in u \implies s(n) \in D$


Suppose there exists $f(x) \neq f(y)$ such that $(s(n), f(x)) \wedge (s(n),f(y)) \in u $

Define $ü:= u\backslash \{(s(n), f(y))\}$

$(m,z) \in ü \implies (m,z) \in u \implies (s(m), f(z)) \in u$

We wish to prove that $\forall (m,z) \in u~~ (~~(s(m), f(z)) \neq (s(n), f(y))~~)$.

Suppose it was not so. More specifically, suppose $\exists (m,z) \in u~~(~~(s(m), f(z)) = (s(n),f(y)~~)$

$s(m)=s(n) \implies m=n$

$\exists ! x \in X (~~(n,x) \in u~~) \implies (m,z)=(n,x) \implies (s(m), f(z))=(s(n), f(x)) \implies f(z)=f(x) \implies f(x)=f(y)$ CONTRADICTION

Therefore, $\forall (m,z) \in u~~ (~~(s(m), f(z)) \neq (s(n), f(y))~~)$.

So: $(m,z) \in ü \implies (m,z) \in u \implies (s(m), f(z)) \in u \implies (s(m), f(z)) \in ü \implies ü \in C$