Solution 1:

This guy always has the right answer:

In short:

            locals:{dataToPass: $scope.parentScopeData},                
            clickOutsideToClose: true,                
            controllerAs: 'ctrl',                
            templateUrl: 'quotation/edit/',//+edit_id,
            controller: mdDialogCtrl,

var mdDialogCtrl = function ($scope, dataToPass) { 
    $scope.mdDialogData = dataToPass  

Pass the variable using the locals attribute in the passing object. These values will be injected into the controller not the $scope. Also passing the entire $scope of the parent might not be such a good idea as it defeats the isolated scope paradigm.

Solution 2:


<md-button ng-click='vmInter.showDialog($event,_dataToPass)'>
<i class="fa fa-custom-edit" aria-hidden="true"></i>


    function _showSiebelDialog(event,_dataToPass) {

                locals:{dataToPass: _dataToPass}, //here where we pass our data
                controller: _DialogController,
                controllerAs: 'vd',
                templateUrl: 'contentComponents/prepare/views/Dialog.tmpl.html',
                parent: angular.element(document.body),
                targetEvent: event,
                clickOutsideToClose: true

                function(answer) {},
                function() {


function _DialogController($scope, $mdDialog,dataToPass) {
console.log('>>>>>>> '+dataToPass);

Solution 3:

$scope.showPrompt = function(yourObject) {
    templateUrl: 'app/views/your-dialog.tpl.html',
    locals: {
        callback: $scope.yourFunction // create the function  $scope.yourFunction = function (yourVariable) {
    controller:  function ($scope, $mdDialog, callback) {
        $scope.dialog.title = 'Your title';
        $scope.dialog.abort = function () {
        $scope.dialog.hide = function () {

            if ($scope.Dialog.$valid){
                callback($scope.yourReturnValue, likes the return of input field);
    controllerAs: 'dialog',
    bindToController: true,
    clickOutsideToClose: true,
    escapeToClose: true
