permanently move the c:\Users folder to another partition in windows 7 [duplicate]
The full write up for this can be found on Life Hacker. Basically, you can get the desired results by moving the folder and creating a symlink.
Use your install CD, or you preferred method to get to the recovery console. Firgure our which drive is you SSD and which is your HDD, in this case SSD is E and HDD is D.
Use Robocopy to copy the user directory from the SSD to HDD:
robocopy /copyall /mir /xj E:\Users D:\Users
Remove the users directory on the SSD:
rmdir /S /Q E:\Users
Make a symlink between the old and new location:
mklink /J E:\Users D:\Users
Test by running dir in the root on your SSD, you should see something similar to "Users [D:\Users]"