What is the maximum gym badge tier?
Solution 1:
The following amount of Badge-EXP (BXP) is needed to level up your Gym badge:
Gym Badge Tier // BXP needed // BXP total
- Basic // 1 BXP
- Bronze // 500 BXP // 500 BXP
- Silver // 3500 BXP // 4000 BXP
- Gold // 26,000 BXP // 30,000 BXP
Received BXP rewards for interacting with the gym:
- Adding a Pokémon to the Gym (+ 100 BXP)
- Holding a Pokémon at the Gym (+1 BXP per minute)
- Defeating a defending Pokémon (CP of Pokémon defeated divided by 10)
- Winning a Raid battle at the Gym (+ 1000 BXP)
- Feeding a Berry to a Pokémon (+ 10 BXP & 20 Stardust)
Source: Pokemon Go source code
item_templates {
template_id: "GYM_BADGE_SETTINGS"
gym_badge_settings {
target: 500
target: 4000
target: 30000
battle_winning_score_per_defender_cp: 0.01
gym_defending_score_per_minute: 1
berry_feeding_score: 10
pokemon_deploy_score: 100
raid_battle_winning_score: 1000
lose_all_battles_score: 5